Applied kinesiology is a method of diagnosis and treatment based on the belief that various muscles are linked to particular organs and glands, and that specific muscle weakness can signal distant internal problems such as nerve damage, reduced blood supply, chemical imbalances or other organ or gland problems.
Applied kinesiology can be used to diagnose and treat nervous system problems, nutritional deficiencies or excesses, imbalances in the body’s “energy pathways” (known in Traditional Chinese Medicine as meridians), and other health concerns. Applied kinesiology doesn’t belong to one system of healing or medicine, but is used worldwide by dentists, medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths, energy healers, wellness coaches, etc.
Applied Kinesiology uses “muscle testing” as a diagnostic test, the idea behind which is simple. What is truth or good for you strengthens your energy system and gives a strong or positive response. What is a lie or harmful for you will slow your energy and give a weak response.
When you apply pressure to a muscle and it tests strong, energy flow is balanced. A muscle that tests weak may have impeded energy flow. Likewise, for a 'yes' answer, the muscle will test strong. For a 'no' answer, it will test weak. You can muscle test yourself with one hand or two, another person, or if traditional muscle testing proves difficult to you, you can also use a pendulum or three coins with a method called the Rhetorical Three Coin Method - I’ll go more into depth on how to do all these techniques for yourself and other in an upcoming blog.
I use muscle testing in all my sessions. If I’m working with Emotion Code Healing, I muscle test through a process to determine if a negative emotion is trapped, which of over 60 different emotions it is, and then finally what method would be the best to release the emotion - perhaps with a magnet, tapping, technique from Theta Healing? Etc. In working with the Body Code System of Healing I use muscle testing to narrow down what pathogen, energy, circuit or system, toxin, misalignment, or life style habit may be creating a physical issue or limitation. In Theta Healing we use muscle testing to find core beliefs and self images. Muscle testing helps zero in on messages and obtain more clarity around guidance coming from oracle cards, the I Ching, or the Runes and others.
There is some debate around how effective or accurate muscle testing or applied kinesiology is, but I find it is generally very accurate, around 95% When it gets tricky is if there is any attachment to the outcome, the answer can be "forced” according to what you want to hear (or are afraid to hear). However, when done from a place of grounded detachment and alignment, the subconscious has a clear channel to give highly accurate answers to yes or no questions.
Your subconscious mind is in intimate and continuous contact with your body, and is a direct link to your true beliefs, opinions, operating programs, and physiology. You can also retrieve answers on behalf of another person, situation or event. But it can get tricky - it helps if the yes or no questions are answerable in the first place! Many first time “testers” are tempted to hunt for ego answers, or far away, unknown future predictions. These questions are often not knowable because they are either not based in truth or reality, or because our future isn’t determined and we are co-creating it in present time.
The idea behind muscle testing is simple. What is truth or good for you strengthens your energy system and gives a strong or positive response. What is a lie or harmful will slow the energy and give a weak response.