
Energy Medicine

Apr 30, 2020 5 min read
Energy Medicine

Transform your body, mind and ultimately your life with energy medicine. 

Uncover your true potential and best future through energy and consciousness-based medicine -  let go of struggle and self-sabotage and create the life you’re truly worthy of - a life where you embody your essence, live in more consistent flow, and manifest your heart's desires. 


Energy Medicine is a good fit for you if: 

  • You are ready to embrace your true gifts and passions and finally run a business or life in an intuitive and aligned way that is right for you and not someone else’s model.
  • You ever feel that the business or life you dream of lays just beyond your reach - you're constantly trying to get ‘over there’ or achieve the next goal in life so that you can finally relax and enjoy yourself.
  • You're finding that no matter how much of ‘the work’ you do, things just aren't happening for you. Whether that be with your health and energy, your love life, your relationships, your bank balance, your career, your sense of peace….There’s an unknown block preventing things from being where you want them to be, and no amount of journaling, meditating or coaching is getting you there.
  • That if you could just move through, heal or clear that final piece then everything would fall into place.
  • You pull back or self sabotage when your belief or confidence waivers.
  • You more than likely have had trauma in your life in childhood or in an abusive relationship (love or business).
  • You have experienced some success but it is not consistent, and the dips are stressing you out. 
  • You want a real release from the overwhelm, anxiety, grief or exhaustion that's holding you back.





One of my favorite systems for energy healing and transformation, The Body Code deals with balancing the body in all aspects of health- including emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, toxicity and more. The Body Code was designed to detect the underlying causes of imbalance that usually go undetected, using Applied Kinesiology and Muscle Testing and Body Code flow charts. Once getting to the bottom of what’s behind underlying imbalances physically and energetically, we release them for processing so the body’s innate self-healing ability can take over. As blockages are released, energy levels often increase and emotional issues often become manageable or balanced. The body is made up of energy. This energy can be negatively influenced in a number of ways, and symptoms of these energy imbalances can manifest as a host of health and emotional or spiritual issues. Practically all of them fall under the 6 categories of imbalance that are covered in The Body Code System:

Circuitry – The organs, glands and muscles that make up our physical body.

Energetic – These are generally in the form of something called trapped emotions.

Pathogens – Fungal, bacterial, viral, mold and parasites.

Nutritional – The food we eat, including herbs and nutrients.

Structural – The bones, nerves, and connective tissue.

Toxicity – Heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals and other environmental toxins. Most health problems that we face can be traced to an imbalance in one of these 6 areas… and that is why The Body Code System is so powerful. It can quickly pinpoint these damaging energy imbalances so they can be balanced.


Other Emotional Release Methods I love include The Emotion Code Healing System, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Theta Healing. 

With The Emotion Code emotional baggage can be located and released in the form of trapped emotions - which can cause depression, anxiety, and block people from love, happiness, and a feeling of connection with others. Because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they can influence the physical tissues, and can cause acute pain, and worse. These strong emotional energies can be traced back as far as the womb, or as an inherited emotion passed down from generation to generation on one of our parents sides, and in some cases even past lives. They can also be absorbed from other people, like a partner or friend. Another thing that comes up in sessions sometimes is something called a “Heart Wall”. Heart-Walls hamper the ability to give and receive love and feel other positive emotions, contributing to feelings of isolation, sadness, and other emotional problems. When we experience negativity, whether it be from a traumatic event or chronic abuse, our subconscious mind works diligently to protect us by building a wall around the heart, known as a heart-wall. While this heart-wall may be necessary to survive at the time, it keeps us from living a full and vibrant life. By using the techniques described in The Emotion Code and The Body Code, steps can be taken to release the heart-wall and trapped emotions, making conditions right for the body & mind to heal.




Sometimes we hit blocks to living our best life, like an invisible barrier holding us back. There’s something we really want, but just can’t seem to reach. Or we get it, but can’t hold onto it. Blocks to financial success, good health and happy relationships often stem from limiting core beliefs. These are programs that get installed like a computer program, and while the conscious Mind, Heart, and the Soul pull us towards our best future, those core beliefs tug in the other. These are deep beliefs not likely to be overridden with affirmations, coaching, or even time. So as not to let these beliefs influence the course of our lives, belief work is needed to identify, release, and re-program the subconscious.




Reconnective and Reiki Healing access and reconnect us with the field and infinite supply of Energy, Love, Light and Wisdom that surrounds us, reawakening the same from the depth of our being, providing balance mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  Reconnective and Reiki Healing shifts usually begin to take place on multiple levels quickly, with life becoming more coherent and balanced. It may be on a physical level, or a mental or emotional level: deep inner peace, higher self-esteem, inner and exterior changes. It may be that a relationship has become easier or a challenge at work has disappeared, or, people have shared receiving the missing idea or link to a situation with which they had been struggling. Each person receives what is most appropriate for them.




The I Ching, shamanic journeying, and divination help guide you on your path. My favorite oracle for guidance is The I Ching. A long time practitioner of The I Ching, I was taught by my Grandmother, Carol K Anthony, counselor and translator of The I Ching and Author of many guides to using The I Ching for healing and living in alignment to one’s truest self. Using her translations and her method, The I Ching provides a compass for direction, clarity around confusion, and inspiration around apathy. This particular branch of The I Ching provides easy methods to deprogram the causes of fates, negative behaviors and illnesses.

For additional information about The I Ching and my Grandmother’s work please visit:

A Guide to The I Ching, Healing Yourself The Cosmic Way, The Psyche Revealed Through The I Ching, and I Ching, Oracle of The Cosmic Way.

I also love and am a certified facilitator for The Sacred Breath Method - this method uses our own breath as a portal to our innate ability to be our own guide, healer, and oracle. Read more about this amazing form of breathwork here >

For those ready to take a deep dive into their own consciousness, face the shadows and clear “big T and little T traumas”, I highly recommend sitting with a reputable shaman or trained and capable plant medicine (specifically Ayahuasca) facilitator. Even after two decades of working with energy medicine, meditation and healing modalities sitting with Ayahuasca and exceptional facilitators upgraded my life in ways I will share at another time. Suffice it to say, if Ayahuasca has called you - I highly recommend picking up that call.


How to get started with energy medicine: 

Work one on one

Interested in working with me?


A few favorites I recommend to empower
you on your journey




Healers & Coaches

Truly Essential Iodine
Understanding the Mechanisms Behind The Red Light & Infrared Light Therapy