“Smart cities” and the “internet of things” are just a couple developments we have to look forward to as the “new normal”.
If you’re familiar with the drawbacks of EMFs you know that along with this new recent wave of fifth generation innovative technology comes a nearly inescapable web of drastically increased EMF exposure.
Here’s a list of 10 simple hacks you can use to reduce your EMF exposure for yourself and your family:
1. Keep your cell phone away from your body. Never carry it in a pocket or bra. Don't sleep with your phone. Switch your phone to airplane mode whenever you are not using it.
2. Laptops are not for laps! Keep your wireless laptop or tablet away from your body. Don’t rest your wireless device on your body.
3. Get a corded landline if at all possible. You can talk on it safely for hours. It's safer than using your cell phone or cordless phone. Whenever possible, connect to the internet using wired (Ethernet) cables.
4. Don't sit anywhere close to your router or smart meter. Turn off routers at night.
5. Aluminum screening is excellent for blocking EMF and costs only a fraction the alternative, EMF blocking paint. Be sure to keep the holes as small as possible. Lining your home in aluminum screening might not work for everyone, you might also consider making an EMF protective canopy out of aluminum mosquito netting or choosing a high content silver infused fabric to shield you while you sleep.
6. Use products and supplements like high quality Iodine, Zeolite, as well as stones with the purported benefits of EMF absorbtion - Shungite, Tourmeline, Organite. Even better, (and scientifically proven), there’s now a handful of 5G Protective Clothing with high silver content proven to block EMFs - like my hooded scarf, or cell phone friendly gloves … more items coming soon.
7. Sun and Superfoods. Sunlight benefits our health in a powerful way with Vitamin D and it’s anti-inflammatory and immune boosting effects. Super food powders and supergrasses can also bolster our energy, immune systems, emotions, and health. Try Barley grass, Chlorella, Alfalfa herb, Wheatgrass, Moringa (drumstick/horseradish tree) and Spirulina.
Studies show that the higher frequency band of new 5th Gen. network disrupts oxygen absorption, which is why I have a sweet spot for chlorella. Studies show Chlorella considerably improves oxygen uptake.
8. Earthing. Trees and nature in general improve our immune system, absorb EMFs, and nourish our mind, body, and spirit. Connecting with the earth brings balance to our electromagnetic system.
9. Bring on the plants! In 1989 a NASA study suggested that 15 to 18 plants is enough to purify the air in an 1,800 square foot building. And in 2005, another NASA home-based study demonstrated that it takes only five common household plants to significantly absorb EMF radiation from electronic devices such as computers and phones at home. Cactus in particular scored high in protecting from a variety of radioactive activity, other high EMF absorbers are snake, spider, aloe, rubber and fern plants. As if we needed more reason to love plants!
10. Use yellow! There’s not too much information or evidence to be found on this one, but I stumbled across a very interesting newspaper clipping claiming Einstein and a scientist named Richard Tollman accidentally discovered that the color yellow changes the frequency of radioactive materials by blocking and harmonizing the wave into a safe energy pattern. Better than a three foot deep lead wall did in fact! The article says this is why power plant personnel wear yellow. Sounds hard to believe, but the clipping is included below - have a look!