

LED Phototherapy Trailblazer

In 2015 I founded Nushape LLC, a phototherapy company, where I worked several years to develop a range of phototherapy devices for wellness and beauty. I also wrote Light Medicine - Happier, Healthier, Stronger with LED Phototherapy, a complete guide to using phototherapy for over 25 different treatments for the mind and body - tackling everything from hormone health, to fat loss skin rejuvenation, pain and inflammation relief, brain health and more, using only gentle, non-invasive light waves in specific light waves.

Natural Spa, Body & Skin Care

We all know eating toxic materials is harmful to our inner organs, but we tend to neglect the largest organ- our skin. Our skin is under attack by vast majority of products on the market brimming with fillers, preservatives, and toxic ingredients. My fascination with natural beauty is still childlike - there is always something new to discover and play with. As a child I was creating a magical potion and I continue to feel that excitement working with the earth's natural ingredients, refining my "potions" over the decades - sampling products for myself, my child, and clients. My product lines grew from years of need, trial & error, and vast research to provide next-level solution for healthy, non-toxic skin care, using my experience as an eco-beauty lover, mother, and healer to nurture the skin and uplift the soul.

My journey as a wellness professional spans over two decades with training and certifications through several branches:

My love for the healing arts was sparked by my Grandmother, Carol K Anthony, an intuitive healer and author of well loved translations of The I Ching Oracle and books on consciousness-based medicine, love, healing, and meditation. I spent much of my childhood under her care, during which time if I had a problem we consulted the I Ching Oracle for clarity and guidance. If I doubted myself she reminded me to re-align with Source and tune into my “inner truth”. Meditation techniques, energy healing, and taoist philosophy were staple daily conversations.

Energy Healing & Wellness Coaching

In 2002, after becoming a massage therapist I became a Reiki Master Teacher with Joyce Morris from The Reiki Center in Los Angeles and over the years have continued to complete trainings and certifications to better help my clients… some of which include: Shamanism, Emotion Code, Body Code, Reconnective Healing, Body Talk, and Theta Healing Systems.

Breathwork & Sound Therapy

Sound Journeys using the Singing Bowls and Gongs with The SoundBath Center in Los Angeles, and in London with the Crystal Bowls with Genevra Jolie. Advanced Gong Master Training with Aiden McKintyre and Tim Byford in England, and Sacred Breath Facilitation for holotropic transformative breathwork healing with Sacred Breath Academy.