
Sound Medicine & Meditation

Nov 19, 2019 5 min read
Sound Medicine & Meditation


A Sound Bath is a new form of meditation, providing many of meditation’s benefits, without the discipline. Working almost as a shortcut to the state meditators seek to reach, sound bathing is a deeply immersive, full-body listening experience, intentionally using sound to invite gentle yet powerfully therapeutic and restorative effects to the mind and body.

Sound medicine - unlike energy work, which is invisible to the eye but its effects can be felt (by some), is both heard and felt. Sound therapy has proven to help reduce pain, increase neural connectivity, and generally increase the quality of life. By slowing down the heart and respiratory rate, a therapeutic effect on the mind and body is created. The sound of harmonic vibrations created by singing bowls, gongs, and other overtone-emitting instruments stimulates alpha and theta brain waves. When the brain waves and body are synchronized, balance can be restored and stress released. It’s a common challenge for many of us in this fast paced modern world to have our nervous system constantly in a state of “sympathetic on” constantly in fight-or-flight mode due to chronic pain or constant stress. Living without reprieve eventually leads to health challenges, perhaps small like the occasional headache, rash, or fatigue, or for some more severe - like chronic depression, or the onset of a debilitating illness. Sound can help to reset or reframe our perspective, align our energies, and put us back in a state of calm, operating from our parasympathetic nervous system… and transforming our relationship to pain, chronic illness, trauma, and stress.

In my sound bath or therapy sessions, whether in a group or one on one, we begin with lying down or seated in a comfortable position, often with a blanket and an eye mask. After a few minutes of guided focus on the breath, the remainder of the experience is filled with different sounds and frequencies being introduced in succession along with quantum based energy work with elements of Theta, Reconnective, and Reiki energy healing. The sounds are created by a variety of overtone-emitting instruments like tuning forks, gongs, Himalayan and crystal singing bowls, chimes.


Breath & Sound Healing is For You if:

  • You feel stuck in your healing process.  You’ve been doing the work but know there are deeper levels that you don’t know how to get to.

  • You can feel that your body is crying out for release.

  • You are tired of doing it alone and are craving support in your healing. 

  • You are ready to release old programs and limiting beliefs from your consciousness. 

  • You want to be understand your emotions, befriend them, and be able to communicate them clearly. 

  • New romantic relationships, new friendships, or new work/social situations stir up a lot of anxiety, insecurity, and old wounds around worthiness, abandonment/rejection, and trust. 

  • You’ve been in talk therapy and/or using antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications but there is a little voice that is telling you there is another way. 

  • You battle with depression, anxiety, heartbreak, grief, anger, disappointment, or addictions.

  • You have a lot to say and share and create but your voice feels stifled and stuck. 

  • You are open and willing to show up for yourself and your transformation.

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