Iodine is Element 53, shown above in it’s mineral form
It has been written that the fundamental building blocks to health are water, salt, soda and iodine. Of these, iodine seems to be the least understood and most neglected. Its main function is synthesis, storage and secretion of thyroid hormone.
Iodine is also the trigger mechanism for apoptosis (the natural death of cells) as well as abnormal cells; protects against abnormal growth of bacteria in the stomach; coats incoming allergenic proteins to make them non-allergenic; is an antiseptic; is necessary for fetal development (possible initial source of thyroxine and apoptotic mechanisms); is an anti-cancer and anti-autoimmune disease agent; and deactivates in the stomach biological and most chemical poisons.
Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD for short) are one of the largest health problems seen today. But it’s a silent epidemic and is continuing to grow due to lack of education, highly inadequate medical testing, pharmaceutical control and food & environmental toxicity.
Support The Brain
Dealing with brain fog? Alertness, focus, and mood all improve when your thyroid is healthy.
Hormone Balance
The thyroid needs iodine to produce the hormones that control metabolism and energy levels.
Promote Detoxification
Iodine detoxes and protects the thyroid against damaging halogens such as fluoride, chlorine, and bromine.
Endocrine Support
A healthy endocrine system means better sleep, more stable emotions, and a happier mood.
IODINE is found in every cell in the body
Some interesting facts about iodine: autopsies of healthy people who died of natural causes showed trace amounts of iodine in almost all tissues and organs; in tadpoles, their system is flushed with iodine at the point they become air-breathing frogs, and similarly, it is hypothesized that in infants, their bodies are flushed with iodine as they are born; iodine’s antiseptic potency and safety has never been equaled or surpassed, as dilute iodine solutions kill all single celled organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and even staphylococcus, with few side effects and no development of bacterial resistance.
Iodine is the only recommended nutrient for nuclear fallout.
1. Antiseptic
2. Antibiotic
3. Antifungal
4. Anti-parasitic
5. Antibacterial
6. Anti-carcinogenic agent
7. Antioxidant
8. Antiviral
9. Antiproliferative agent (meaning of or relating to a substance used to prevent or retard the spread of cells, especially malignant cells, into surrounding tissues… )
10. Germicide
This is why Iodine is so important.
For over 200 years, iodine was used with 90% success for multiple disorders including Fibrocystic Breast disease, cancer, thyroid, reproduction issues then in 1948 a medical Journal article changed the medical outlook on iodine: same time as they released synthetic, patentable drugs which comprised of synthetic iodine!
Your thyroid is an amazing gland. It is part of your endocrine system, located in the lower part of your neck below the Adam’s apple. In one year, the thyroid will produce just one teaspoon of T3 – enough to metabolically support trillions of your cells every day! One teaspoon! And what feeds the thyroid? The essential mineral, Iodine, and to a lesser degree, the amino acid Tyrosine. The thyroid influences and is also influenced by other endocrine glands, especially the pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenals, parathyroid and sex glands. This key gland is essential for the normal functioning of human cells, the nervous system, muscles, brain development, oxygen utilization, the metabolism, the immune system, etc. Thyroid imbalances, commonly known as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, affect at least 13 million people in the U.S (with more going undiagnosed). Traditional blood tests fail to take into consideration that the adrenals are able to produce small amounts of thyroid hormone. As a result, blood tests may show sufficient levels of thyroid hormone but without indication that these levels could be due to overworked adrenals and an exhausted thyroid. So by the time a blood test confirms a thyroid problem, it is indeed a real problem as the adrenals are exhausted too!
Common symptoms of an imbalanced thyroid include weight gain and loss, fatigue, muscle weakness, slow heart rate, heart enlargement, low body temperature, sensitivity to cold, dry course skin, hair loss, difficulties in concentration, impaired memory, slow speech, thick tongue, hoarseness, deafness, increased allergies, difficult breathing, high cholesterol levels, fluid retention, constipation, recurrent infections, calcium metabolism problems, depression, irritability, decreased sweating, painful menstrual cycles, bumps on the eyelids, swollen, drooping eyelids, gastrointestinal disturbances, etc.
Some people think they are allergic to iodine. You can't be allergic to something that is naturally in your body since conception. Iodine is the #1 nutrient for fetal brain development and the presence of iodine is necessary for successful childbirth! What does happen when iodine enters the cell is that it will flush out halogens (fluoride, chlorine & bromine) and heavy metals and THAT is what causes the nausea and feeling ill. Plant based iodine can also present complications for those who are allergic to seaweed or shellfish
I’ve been using Element 53, Truly Essentail Iodine which is NOT seaweed or plant-based, it is not potassium iodide, but collodial iodine in it’s most easily assimilated form.
Chemical, seaweed or plant-based iodine have obvious drawbacks:
- Consider the ocean water quality or the fact that soil is so sadly depleted now, and you see why anything but mineral based iodine can present problems.
- Iodine is very pH sensitive – so if it has to go to the digestive tract with digestive acids to be processed, you are losing most of its effectiveness.
- Exogenic-based iodine/iodides presented nutritionally/medicinally into the body first have to go to the liver where these iodine/iodide matrix' end up being broken down to their separate constituent parts, and then the liver recombines the mono elemental iodine back into its own iodide forms it can utilize – hence the intake of exogentic-based iodine/iodide matrix is an inefficient burden on the body's metabolism and buffering systems.
- You need to take more of these compounded products in order to get results which are inferior AND put your digestive tract to work… and then end up only using 20% - which is why they require such a high mg dosage due to this loss. For example, Lugol’s is 1/3 iodine, 2/3 potassium iodide.
Detoxified, ingestible iodine in its colloidal, 99% bio-available state is unparalleled in potentially helping to support and saturate the thyroid for proper functioning. It is not the typical toxic iodine in its denser state sold as an antiseptic, or as iodine trichloride (claiming to be atomized), or as added to potassium iodide to make it safer. It is also unlike glandulars or prescriptions containing hormones that take over the thyroid’s job instead of nutritionally building the thyroid to do its own job. And seaweed, seafood, greens, raw sunflower seeds, and iodized salt may not have the levels of assimilable iodine needed to support and saturate the thyroid.
Radioactive tracing of iodine shows much of it going to the thyroid first, followed by the blood (where it mixes with tyrosine or histidine and becomes the surveillance mechanism for abnormal cells), nasal cavities, gut, breasts, stomach, and cervix, then followed by the bones, extracellular fluids, and connective tissue of almost all organs.
Framington Study versus Barnes Study- Heart attacks associated with thyroid disorders.
Dr. Broda Barnes books: “The Riddle of Heart Attacks”, then followed with another book in 1976 “Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness”, that proved even more that thyroid oversees heart health through his studies in Graz where autopsies showed connection of low thyroid and heart disease/mortality. Graz keeps all medical records and does autopsies on all of their citizens. They are able to prove that anyone with a history of thyroid problems ended up dying of heart disease.
Hunt Study in 2007:
Confirmed Broda Barnes and Graz work with an 8-year study on 26,000 people. Proved that high TSH had increased mortality rate from heart disease. So when your thyroid tests come back and the doctor says “you are ok, you have plenty of TSH in your blood”; it should be a sign of immediate reaction, not a sigh of relief. Merely taking thyroid support to reduce TSH can reduce your chances of death from cardiovascular disease by 70%.
- City water contains chlorine but did you know that Bottled water has fluoride? Arrowhead Mountain Spring has 1.2 mg per liter, Crystal Geyser, San Pellegrino, L’Alpina and Fiji all contenders.
- Drinks with “BVO” Bromined vegetable oil to make them clear: Mountain Dew, Gatorade, energy drinks, etc.
- Birth control pills raise TBG, which is a binding globulin that binds your active thyroid hormone and makes it inactive. They also lower B-complex, testosterone and tyrosine (needed for thyroid hormones). Dopamine is responsible for “happy feelings”. You can’t make dopamine without B6 or tyrosine!
- Medications! Most are flouride based thyroid killers, especially anti-depressants. Did you know that in autopsies of people who committed suicide, atrophied thyroid and adrenals are common?
- GMO, food additives, pesticides, chemtrails contain fluoride & chlorine.
- Statins, antifungal, Flonase nasal spray, acid blockers, NaSaids, antiacids, acid blockers
- Reduced levels of selenium
- Diseases: Lyme, herpes, H. pylori, Epstein-Barr
- Bread and pasta products contain bromine